South Beach Heats Up as Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Miami Swim Comes to Town with and International Line-up of Swimwear Designers


Models, celebrities, and fashion industry insiders will all make way to South Beach July 14-18th for the Miami Swim Show..and so will Butterflies and Bikinis!  We are off to the airport and heading to Miami to join the thousands of fashion industry professionals that will migrate to the sands of Miami Beach to see what’s in store for the swimwear industry in 2012. 

The shows will include collections from some of our best selling designers such as: Poko Pano, Beach Bunny Swimwear, L*Space by Monica Wise, Cia.Marítima, Luli Fama, and Tavik.  

We will be sure to keep you guys updated via Facebook and will have a ton of fabulous photos for our blog when we return!

Here are some suits from the designers that we are going to see from their 2011 collections! Enjoy…






















#1) L*SpaceSunkissed Forget Me Knot Bikini            

 #2) Poko PanoVonn Tanga Bikini                 

#3) Cia MaritimaTiger Racer Back Bikini

#4) TavikRetro Geo Bandeau Sash Bikini                

#5) Beach BunnyLuck be a Lady Bikini

#6) Luli FamaSanto Santo Black Pearl Bikini









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